Comparative Study of Two Semi-automated Forensic DNA Extraction Methods : Automate Express™ & Hamilton Microlab STAR™ System
Automation in forensic DNA analysis is crucial for analysts to reduce time, improve results, and decrease risk of contamination. With the variety of commercially available automated DNA extraction systems, comes the need for end-users to be informed of what they provide and what they might lack. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of two semi-automated DNA extraction systems used for forensic DNA analysis: Automate Express™ and Hamilton Microlab STAR™ system, for four parameters; reproducibility, stability, sensitivity and contamination. Overall, the results indicated that both semi-automated systems performed similarly in providing robust and reproducible DNA results while maintaining good capability to overcome PCR inhibition with low risk of contamination. The two semi-automated systems showed higher DNA recovery than organic extraction using phenol-chloroform by 22% for semen and 7% for blood samples. In addition, three sample types, blood, saliva, semen were tested to compare the two systems (total samples n=100). Overall, the data showed the average DNA recovery for Hamilton was higher than the DNA recovery by Automate Express™ for the blood and semen sample types indicating better performance of the Hamilton Microlab STAR™ in terms of recovery and sensitivity level.

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