Users' Information Security Awareness of Home Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance cameras are widely used in public and private areas around the world. It is primarily used for tracking individuals and preventing criminal activities. It is necessary to balance the benefits of video surveillance and the risks it poses to individuals' right to privacy. The existing studies raised privacy issues of installing CCTV in public places. However, there is a lack of studies investigating users’ awareness of information security and privacy limitations in installing CCTV in private places. Thus, in this study, the author evaluated users' information security awareness of the value of CCTV and other forms of video surveillance. In-person interviews were conducted in Riyadh province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A total of 77 individuals responded to the interview. A qualitative analysis was conducted to evaluate the participants’ perception of CCTV usage. The outcome of the analysis revealed four themes: Privacy invasion, privacy awareness, dilemmas in implementing security, and preventive measures. The findings revealed that the participants required strict privacy policies for installing CCTV video monitoring systems in private areas. In addition, they understood that CCTV is effectively reducing the fear of crime. The research contributes to understanding users' general awareness of information security and offers the necessary steps to protect the user's privacy in a CCTV surveillance environment. In addition, a data-sharing framework is recommended to share the data in a secure environment. Furthermore, researchers can utilize the study findings in conducting further similar investigative studies.

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