The First Arab Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine Meeting 2014: Meeting Report
The First Arab Forensic Science & Forensic MedicineMeeting 2014 was held in Riyadh (October 26-28, 2014)at Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS),Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This event of greatscientific importance was organized under the patronageof NAUSS by the Arab Society for Forensic Sciences andForensic Medicine (ASFSFM) and in cooperation withthe College of Forensic Sciences (NAUSS). This was thesecond international event organized by the Arab Societyfor Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine during 2014.This regional event brought together 144 forensicscientists, forensic medicine specialists, jurists,criminologists, DNA specialists and forensic toxicologistsfrom 13 different Arab countries (Hashemite Kingdomof Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain,Republic of Algeria, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republicof Sudan, Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Republic ofLebanon, Egypt, Kingdom of Morocco, and Republic ofYemen) to present and discuss their latest achievementsand research findings in various disciplines of forensicsciences.