Review of Current Status of Forensic Medicine and Related Courses at Saudi Universities Offering Medical Programs
This study reviewed the status of undergraduate education in Forensic Medicine within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Forensic Medicine curricula of 65 universities were reviewed through accessing the respective university websites. There were visible inconsistencies in Forensic Medicine. The inconsistencies were in the credit hours, the year Forensic Medicine was taught and the curricula themselves. This means that the Saudi medical graduates are being imparted the education in Forensic medicine in a non-standardized manner. The study concludes that Forensic medicine curricula currently need to be standardized with respect to the subjects taught within Forensic Medicine courses and credit hours/year the subject was being taught. The study also proposes a model curriculum for teaching Forensic medicine at undergraduate level. The Saudi health Commission has already published standards for postgraduate training in Forensic medicine, this can serve as a guide for undergraduate education as well. The observations and changes recommended are envisaged to standardized undergraduate education of Forensic Medicine within the Kingdom.

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