Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Reading and verifying author guidelines.
  • Cover Letter
  • Title: The title should reflect the study problem, and its words should not exceed 14 words.
  • Abstract: in Arabic and English and consists of 250 words or less with the keywords.
  • Name, address, business phone number, and email address of the corresponding author.
  • Include the triple names of the authors, as well as the names of the institution (s), department (s), college, university or institution and country.
  • Include Credit author statement (Author Contribution) when adding the authors.
  • Acknowledgment and Explanation of any conflicts of interest.
  • Acknowledgment of any funding or support for conducting the study.
  • All references were examined by following the instructions to ensure their accuracy and completeness. All references matched the citations mentioned in the text.
  • Figures if applicable- are serially numbered and placed in a separate file with English titles.
  • Tables if applicable- are serially numbered and placed in a separate file with English titles.
  • Supplementary files (if applicable).
  • I/We understand that if AI tools were used in preparing the manuscript, I/We need to declare the tool's name, the purpose it was used for, and the date of such use/s in the manuscript. I/We also declare that the submitted manuscript has been written and revised by the named authors and I/We bear full responsibility for the manuscript.

Terms and Conditions of Publishing in the AJSS:

The journal welcomes original contributions from scholars, researchers, academics, and security studies from all over the world, under the following terms and conditions:

  • Papers must be written in Arabic or English.

  • Papers written in Arabic should also have an abstract in English. Similarly, manuscripts prepared in English must also have an Arabic abstract.

  • Authors who cannot provide an abstract in the Arabic language should submit a written request to the editor-in-chief (EIC) at the time of the manuscript’s submission for the Arabic translation of the abstract to be written.

  • Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that the manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere in Arabic or English unless it was a conference paper. If it was a conference paper, then this should be noted together with a statement that the paper has been completely re-written and that either: It was not originally copyrighted or that the author has cleared any necessary permission with the copyright owner if it has been previously copyrighted. Previous publication in another language should also be disclosed.

  • All papers are refereed, and the Editor-in-chief reserves the right to refuse any manuscript, whether by invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.

  • AJSS places great emphasis on the originality and quality of the papers published in this journal. Submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by the EIC who has the authority to reject the paper or he can refer to one of the Associate Editors (AE) for further review. The AE evaluates the paper and decides whether it describes a sufficient body of work to support a major advance in a particular field. If the AE does not judge the manuscript suitable for the journal, alone or in consultation with other AEs, the manuscript may be rejected outright, without external peer review, with the reasons outlined in the decision letter sent to the author. If the AE does judge the manuscript suitable for the journal, it will then be subjected to external peer review with the consent of EIC.

Submission checklist

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in the AJSS Authors’ Guidelines for more details.

Ensure that the following items are present before uploading your manuscript:

  • Reading and verifying author guidelines

  • Cover Letter

  • Title Page

  • Acknowledgment and Explanation of any conflicts of interest.

  • Abstract

  • Manuscript Body

  • References

  • Credit author statement (Author Contribution)

  • Figures if applicable

  • Tables if applicable

  • Highlights if applicable

  • Equations if applicable

  • Algorithms if applicable

  • Supplementary files

Manuscript Preparation

The AJSS requirements for manuscript publication are generally in accordance with the uniform requirements for social science journals ,Manuscripts may be written in Arabic or English and submitted online: http://journals.nauss.edu.sa/ajss

Text Formatting

Manuscripts, including title page, abstract, the main text, conclusion, acknowledgments, references, individual tables and legends, must be typewritten (Times New Roman) with a font size of 12, on 8 1/2 x 11 inch (21.5 x 28 cm) or size A4 paper, with margins of at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) and double spacing. Insert page numbers consecutively, beginning with the title page. Put the page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page.

Tables, figures and figure legends are uploaded as separate files on the manuscript submission website. Figure legends should be included on a separate page from the figures themselves. If the abstract is not typed directly into Manuscript Central, please submit that as a separate upload. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by the author and all co-authors. The AJSS recommends that authors should consider having their manuscripts professionally edited prior to submission.

Word Limits

  • Original articles should be up to 8000 words, (excluding abstract and references), and have no more than six figures and tables.

  • Review articles should have a maximum length up to 8000 words, (excluding abstract and references), plus 4-5 tables or figures. Subheadings should be used within the article to highlight the content of the different sections.

  • Letters to the Editor may deal with comments on recently published papers in the journal or other observations that the authors may feel warrant publication. These are usually up to 800 words.

  • Short communications are limited to 3000 words and are not subdivided. The paper should contain an abstract, main body and references, and contain no more than 6 figures or tables, combined.

  • Editorials refer to research published elsewhere in that issue of the journal, or to important events in the specialty. Editorials are usually commissioned. Maximum length 1600 words.

Title Page Information

  • Title should be between 10-12 words and should reflect the content of the paper (e.g., IV and DV).

  • Title, your name, and Organization/University are all double-spaced (no extra spaces)

  • Create a page header using the “View header” function in MS Word. On the title page, the header should include the following:

  • Flush left: Running head: THE RUNNING HEAD SHOULD BE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. The running head is a short title that appears at the top of pages of published articles. It should not exceed 50 characters, including punctuation and spacing. (Note: on the title page, you actually write the words “Running head,” but these words do not appear on subsequent pages; just the actual running head does. If you make a section break between the title page and the rest of the paper you can make the header different for those two parts of the manuscript).

  • Flush right, on same line: page number. Use the toolbox to insert a page number, so it will automatically number each page.

  • Author names and affiliations. Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled. Present the authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name and, if available, the e-mail address of each author. All information is to be submitted in both Arabic and English.

  • Corresponding author. Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publishing, also post-publication. Ensure that the e-mail address is given and that the contact details are kept up to date by the corresponding author.

  • Present/permanent address. If an author has moved since the work described in the article was done, or was visiting at the time, a 'present address' (or 'permanent address') may be indicated as a footnote to that author's name. The address at which the author actually did the work must be retained as the main, affiliation address. Superscript Arabic numerals are used for such footnotes.

Abstract :

Abstracts should be bilingual (English & Arabic). Authors who cannot provide abstracts in Arabic should submit a written request to the Editor-in-chief at the time of the manuscript’s submission for the Arabic translation of the abstract to be written. Each abstract should be no more than 250 words. Although the AJSS uses unstructured abstracts, the abstract should include the following the background, a brief description of the methods and results (give specific data and their statistical significance, if possible), and the conclusion. Emphasize new and important aspects of the study or observations. The word “Abstract” should be in title case and bolded.


Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords, that will aid in cross-indexing the article. The first keyword must be Security Studies; other keywords must enable abstracters to properly categorize the manuscript so interested researchers can easily find it in journal article databases.

Text Structure:

The text of the original research articles is usually – but not necessarily – divided into sections with headings. AJSS makes use of headings which include Introduction, Methods (or Materials and Methods), Results, Discussion and Conclusion.

Long articles may need subheadings within the sections to clarify their content, especially the Results and Discussion sections. Generally, avoid overuse of subheadings, especially in the Methods section. Headings should be numbered, bolded and subheadings italicized.


This must include the adequate background and objectives of the work, avoiding detailed literature surveys or lengthy result summaries of previously published relevant studies. Avoid separate subheadings for definitions or literature reviews.


Describe the details of your study in such a way that another researcher could duplicate your methods exactly. The method section typically includes Participants, Design, Tool/Materials and Procedure and Statistical Analysis Any calculation sections must clarify a practical development taken from a theoretical basis.

Statistical Analysis:

Any calculation sections must clarify a practical development taken from a theoretical basis. The author(s) should adequately describe or reference all statistical procedures used in the current study in a paragraph at the end of the methods section. It is expected that the statistical tests used are appropriately selected and applied, with an indication of the related assumptions and how they have been tested. The ambiguous use of statistical terms should be avoided such as random with the meaning of haphazard, correlation instead of association, etc. In presenting results, all the participants in the study must be accounted for. Exact p-values and confidence intervals are to be used.


  • A table usually shows numerical values (e.g., means and standard deviations) and/or textual information (e.g., lists of stimulus words, responses from participants) arranged in columns and rows. A figure may be a chart, graph, photograph, drawing, plot, infographic, or any other illustration that is not a table.

  • Tables must have a title and be ordered consecutively according to their citations in the text. Columns must contain a heading and explanations may only be placed in footnotes.

  • Non-standard abbreviations must be clarified in footnotes and the following symbols must be used in this sequence: *, †, ‡, §, **, ††, ‡‡, § 

  • Bar graphs and pie charts should not be used unless absolutely necessary.

Legends for Tables:

The AJSS has a slightly modified pattern of legends for tables and figures. Table legends should follow the pattern: [Table 2- Average height and weight of patient…….”]. In-text: [Table-2 indicates the average height and……”.]


Figures must be submitted in a neutral data format (Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or Portable Network Graphics (PNG)) with a resolution of 300 dpi. Do not use Power Point, Harvard Graphics, or PC Paint and do not import illustrations into Microsoft Word. Scanned figures must have a resolution of 300 dpi (halftone) or 600 to 1200 dpi (line drawings) relative to the reproduction size.

Figures should be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numerals) in the order in they are cited in the text. If a figure has been previously published, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce previously published material. Please contact the Editor-in-chief if any changes are made to figures after submission.

Legends for Illustrations:

Legends must be submitted as a separate file, double-spaced, and numbered according to the illustrations, e.g., [Figure 1- Effect of temperature on DNA concentration]. In-text: [Figure-1 shows the effect of ………]. Symbols, arrows, numbers or letters used must be clearly identified and explained in the legend. The internal scale and method of staining in photomicrographs must be explained.


Present results in a logical sequence according to the flow of information in the text, tables and illustrations. Do not repeat all the data in the tables or illustrations. Emphasize or summarize only important observations and avoid repetition of all of the data.


Highlight new and important aspects of the study and any conclusions based on them. Be concise and avoid repetition of any data and material given in the introduction or the results section. Mention the implications of the findings, any limitations, and state possible implications for future research. Other relevant studies should be linked to the observations.


Conclusions must be linked to the aims of the research and must be supported by the data. Any new hypotheses may be stated, but must be highlighted as new. Authors are free to include recommendations based on their work.

In shorter manuscripts, such as those intended to be technical notes or case reports, the results and discussion sections should be combined.


The Acknowledgements section immediately precedes the reference list.


The heading of the reference list should be 'References,' and it should contain only published or in-press references cited by number(s) in the text. The references follows APA publication manual 7th edition www.apa.org

List references in alphabetical order. Each listed reference should be cited in the text, and each text citation should be listed in the references section.

Each term shall denote the corresponding meaning unless otherwise stated:

The University: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences

Personal Information: Personal information related to the persons concerned or involved in the publishing processes available at the Naif University Publishing House

Publishing Process: All work related to publishing academic contributions in the mediums of publication at the University

Host Country: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy outlines the procedures for collecting, storing, processing, protecting, using and sharing the personal information related to the persons concerned and/or involved in the publishing processes in a manner that respects privacy and establishes mutual trust between mediums of publishing at the Naif University Publishing House and the persons concerned and involved in the publishing processes at all stages. All procedures and measures shall be subject to the laws and regulations applicable at the University and in the host country, including policies, governance mechanisms, frameworks, standards, controls and guidelines related to the subject of the privacy policy and its updates.

Privacy Policy Scope:

  • The privacy policy applies to our website and to other services, including programs and activities that require privacy or are related to it. Data or items may be added to this policy where the persons concerned and involved in the publishing processes shall be notified of such additions.

  • The University, represented by the Information Technology Department, and the Information Security Unit, serves as the control unit for the collected personal information related to the persons concerned and involved in the publishing process.

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information proven to belong to the persons concerned and involved in the publishing process is collected in document form in the following three main ways:

  • Provided Personal Information

The personal information provided by the persons concerned or involved in the publishing process that is collected directly depends on the content and service features used by the persons concerned or involved in the publishing process and how they interact with it; such information may include:

  • Personal and contact information, such as name, nationality, language, e-mail address, postal address, and phone number.

  • Account login credentials, such as: usernames and passwords, and security information

  • Account registration and other personal profile information, including basic educational and professional information, etc., such as: field of study, current location, field of practice, areas of interest, gender, and uploaded content ID shared or stored in the account of the person concerned or involved, and photos.

  • Payment information such as: bank statements and personal document numbers.

  • Information submitted to the Naif University Publishing House such as: questions or information submitted to the Customer Support.

  • Data provided to the Naif University Publishing House as part of interaction with the service, such as: search inquiries.

  • Institution Data of the Person Concerned or Involved

Personal information of the persons concerned and involved in the publishing processes, may be obtained from the institutions to which they belong or they cooperate with, and proven to belong to them by acknowledgement from their side or from the authority from which the information was obtained, in order to activate and manage access, and to use the institution subscription in the service; this may include:

  • Contact information details, such as: name, language, e-mail address, postal address, and phone number;

  • Account login credentials, such as: usernames and passwords, and security information;

  • Other account registration information, such as job title, and the institutional user ID.

  • Data from other Sources

Personal information of the persons concerned and involved in the publishing processes (contact details and other private information) may be obtained from other entities and third parties; this may include:

  • Professional, educational, and scientific websites available via information networks that belong to scientific and academic authorities, and not to websites that provide social networking services where permission to use a service is granted via approving access to personal data of those concerned and involved in the publishing processes on one or more networks;

  • Service providers who assist in locating and allocating specific services to the site of the persons concerned or involved in the publishing process;

  • Partners to whom the Vice-Presidency provides joint services or with whom it shares joint marketing services and activities;

  • Available public sources, and publicly available data suppliers that are obtained to validate or supplement the stored information.

Use of Personal Information

NUPH is committed to providing purposeful and useful services to the persons concerned and involved in the publishing processes; based on how they interact with the service provided, the personal information shall be used to:

  • Provide access management and use of service;

  • Process and execute the request, to download, to subscribe, or to perform any action related to the publishing process;

  • Provide customized content to make the service more effective and more relevant to the interests of the persons concerned and involved in the publishing process;

  • Activate and improve the service, such as: adding new content and features whenever necessary;

  • Notify changes, updates and other announcements related to the service;

  • Provide purposeful advertisements and promotional messages appropriate to the interests of the persons concerned or involved in the publishing process;

  • Provide technical support and products to maintain the service safe and secure; and

  • Identify usage trends and develop data analysis, including research, review and reporting.

NUPH may also use the information of the persons concerned or involved in the publishing process to:

  • Respond to requests, inquiries, or comments from those concerned or involved in the publishing process;

  • Call for the submission and review of academic papers or participate in other ways in the University publishing programs;

  • Motivate and develop products, activities, and services; and Comply with the University's legal obligations, conflict resolution and implementation of agreements

Exchange of Personal Information

The Naif University Publishing House shares personal information of the persons concerned or involved in the publishing process in the following ways and contexts:

  • The Institution of the person concerned or involved in the publishing processes: If the service provided by the Naif University Publishing House is accessed through a subscription managed by the institution of the person concerned or involved in the publishing process, personal information and usage data may be shared with the authorized officials at the institution of the person concerned or involved in the publishing process for the purposes of usage analysis and management of subscriptions collected through the service, such as: the number of items downloaded, and any items that are fee-based.

  • Third Party: The Naif University Publishing House may disclose to the institution of the person concerned or involved in the publishing process or to other third partiesnon-personal information, such as: anonymous usage data reports and collected information, taking into account any applicable legal or contractual obligations.

  • Sharing of Personal Data: Based on the service provided, the Naif University Publishing House may share personal information of persons concerned or involved in the publishing process with:

    • Service providers, including editors and reviewers, payment service providers, customer support, e-mail service providers, event venues, postal organizations, freight forwarders, and IT service providers;

    • Personal information may be exchanged to process information that is necessary for providing the service, or to complete a transaction or fulfill a request of the persons concerned or involved in the publishing process or on their behalf, based on the instructions of the Naif University Publishing House and in accordance with the privacy policy and any other measures related to confidentiality and security.

  • Legal Reasons: The Naif University Publishing House may disclose the personal information of the persons concerned and involved in publishing processes if the Vice-Presidency is convinced that such disclosure is necessary to:

    • Meet the requirements of any applicable law, regulations, legal procedures, or any other legal obligation.

    • Detect and investigate security, fraudulent, or technical issues and assist in preventing them;

    • Protect the rights, property, or safety of users, employees, and other persons;

    • Disclose information related to any procedure or reason related to the publishing process.

Access and Update of Personal Information

The service may allow registered users to directly access their account information and make corrections or updates at any time. Keeping this information updated is the sole responsibility of the user. Registered users can also close their accounts directly through the service or by contacting the Customer Service Support; Persons concerned and involved in the publishing process are entitled under privacy protection laws and laws adopted in the host country, and where appropriate, to request, free of charge:

  • To access, correct, or delete personal information;

  • To restrict the processing of personal information, or object methods of processing;

  • The capacity to transfer personal information

If any of the above-mentioned rights are to be exercised, the Academic Journals Department can be contacted, and the request will be responded to in accordance with laws and regulations applicable in the University and in the host country. To protect the personal information and security of persons concerned and involved in the publication process, they may be required to verify identity, and may designate an authorized agent to submit the application on their behalf, on the condition of proof of identity and authorization.

Data Retention

The Naif University Publishing House shall maintain, so as to serve and achieve the purpose of the publishing process, the personal information of the persons concerned and involved in the publishing process, as long as it is necessary to provide the service and to fulfill the requested transactions, or for other essential purposes such as: compliance with legal obligations, maintenance of commercial and financial records, disputation of resolution, maintenance of security and confidentiality, detection and prevention of fraud, detection of abuse and enforcement of agreements.

Data Security

The Naif University Publishing House shall take the necessary precautions to protect the personal information of the persons concerned and involved in the publishing process from loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, modification and destruction, according to the use of appropriate technical and regulatory measures.

The State of Data Processing

  • Personal information of the persons concerned and involved in the publishing process may be stored and processed at the University's headquarters or any service provider with which the university is associated via an official contract;

  • Steps are being taken, through contracts, to ensure continued protection of information, wherever located, in a manner consistent with the protection standards required under the applicable laws and regulations at the University and in the host country.

Data Processing

When any personal information of the persons concerned and involved in the publishing process is collected within the scope of data protection laws of the host country, the Naif University Publishing House shall process the data as follows:

  • When necessary, to provide the service, execute a transaction, execute a contract, or at the request of those concerned and involved in the publishing process before entering a contract;

  • When necessary, to abide by applicable laws or any other legal obligations;

  • When necessary, to perform a task carried out in public interest.

  • When appropriate, with the consent of those concerned and involved in the publishing processes.

  • When necessary, to run a business, to protect the security of systems, customers, and users, to detect and prevent fraud, or to achieve other legitimate interests.

When the consent of the persons concerned and involved in the publishing process is needed to process personal information, the concerned persons are entitled to withdraw the consent at any time, as legitimate interests are needed for consent, and they may have the right to object to processing of data.

Privacy Policy Update

The privacy policy is updated occasionally. Any modifications or changes will be published on the University's official website, on the Academic Journals Department page, with the updated revision date. If any substantial modifications and changes are made, then a notification will be provided through the service or by other means.

Contact Details of the Naif University Publishing House

For any questions, comments, complaints or requests regarding this privacy policy or the processing of personal information, kindly use the following contact information: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences P.O. Box: 6830, Riyadh 11452, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: 00966112463444/3627 Email: journals@nauss.edu.sa University Official Website: https://nauss.edu.sa