
Saed Zayed Mohammad Al-Hawari


This paper addresses the foundations of criminal protec-tion of women against crimes of violence at the local and inter-national levels. Following a comparative descriptive approach, this paper highlights the conceptual framework of violence against women, its most important causes and forms, empha-sizing the most important legislative and preventive means of combating crimes of violence against women. In this paper, the researcher also seeks to create an applicable legal frame-work at the international and national levels, to enable deci-sion-makers to address this phenomenon and limit its spread in all its forms and types. The study concludes that shortcom-ings are present in the means of protection of women at the international level; this is due to the lack of agreement on an inclusive definition of the phenomenon Internationally. In ad-dition, the Jordanian legislation have failed to address crimes of violence against women. This is due to the fact that the Jor-danian excluded certain types of communal violence from the legislative means. Moreover, a constitutional framework that guarantees the substantive equality of women and men to pre-vent violence against women has not been developed. The researcher recommends the need to promote a cul-ture of non-violence against women in different groups of so-ciety by conducting further legal studies on the protection of women against the threat of this phenomenon


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